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Our Privacy Policy

Here's how we go about your data and your privacy

Silvia Ricchiardi avatar
Written by Silvia Ricchiardi
Updated over a week ago

While using Shield you agree that you are familiar with the Privacy Policy of our service and accept it.

Your safety and right to privacy is important to us. SHIELD INTELLIGENCE APS (“Shield”) respects the rights of our customers, visitors and the users of Shield’s “Platform” and the website, including all electronic services, applications and internal links on the Platform.

Any information you provide via the Platform is respected, kept secret and will not be used in any manner or for any purpose that you have not instructed, permitted or what is otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy or in our General Terms and Conditions.

You will find a description of Shield’s data processing practice in this Privacy Policy, accompanied by our Data Processing Agreement.

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Platform and does not apply to third party websites or the like which you might be able to access from the Platform.

We have tried to keep this Privacy Policy as simple as possible. Therefore, information of a technical nature is omitted. If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or technical questions, please contact us for clarification.

By using our Platform, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Overall, Shield collects data:

  • To offer our users and customers an efficient platform

  • To measure and improve user performance

  • To provide information about the Platform – for example about new features

  • To find and fix any bugs or errors at the Platform

  • To provide offers and marketing

  • To authenticate your access to certain parts of the Platform and confirm your consent to our General Terms or other agreements

  • To personalize your experience on the Platform and the websites

  • To improve the Platform and the services Shield provides

  • To address specific inquiries you make at Shield

  • To enable you to use our services, including check your payment information, and billing for the services you use

  • To send newsletters and messages to you

You can choose to share personal information with other Parties in ways you choose and are responsible for. We will not sell, rent, loan, trade, or in any other other way disclose your information to third parties unless such disclosure is necessary to: comply with a court order or other legal process, protect our rights or property, enforce our General Terms or develop our product.

We reserve the right to share information and data internally amongst the organisations and initiatives under the parent organisation (owner) of Shield (AGILE GROUP APS) for the purpose of research, marketing and the development of new products and services.

The Shield team

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