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Speed metrics: Post traction and longevity

See per post Views per Hour and analyze peak days/hours for traction

Jaziel Dacay avatar
Written by Jaziel Dacay
Updated over a week ago

Feature available with Influencer plan.

This article is here to help you understand the use of Speed Metrics.

What are Speed Metrics?

Simply put, Speed Metrics show the speed rate of views.
Speed Metrics estimate the potential impressions per hour:

i.e. Your post received 100 views in 15 minutes → the speed metric then estimates that you will receive 400 views per hour

This means it serves as an indicator for posts that receive good traction with strong potential to go viral.


  • learn when you get most engagement (day, time)

  • learn when it's time to post again, or re-engage in comments to boost it

How do I use Speed Metrics?

  1. Go to Content Overview and click on your newest post

  2. Check the timeline and turn off everything except "Speed Views" and "Views"

What does the timeline show?

Y-Axis: → View Count

X-Axis: → Time-stamp

Views: → Accumulated Views

Speed Views: → Speed rate of Views

When is it okay to post again without hurting my first post?

When posting a post there are 3 stages it will go through:

  1. Kick-Off

    Your post has just been posted and it is collecting its first views

  2. Peak
    At this stage your post has reached a peak, meaning that it has received its highest amount of views at time

  3. Levelled-Off
    The "Views" line (green) is starting to level-off the moment the "Speed Views" line (yellow) has reached its minimum.
    → This means the rate of additional views has levelled-off at this point.

💡 TIP → Usually it is best to post as soon as your views have levelled-off (after the 3rd stage). By doing this you can post two posts on the same day without hurting the previous one.

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