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How does Shield connect?

Learn how the Chrome extension works to keep you connected

Andreas Jonsson avatar
Written by Andreas Jonsson
Updated over a week ago

Shield connects to your LinkedIn account via the Chrome extension and your unique Shield account license key. Here's how it works.

The Shield license key

Each Shield account has a unique license key connected to it. One Shield license key can be used for one LinkedIn account. Upon registration a new license key is granted.

A license key looks like this: DUZZM-5YF9A-ZHSG7-PKDU0-J91SQ

The Chrome extension

The Chrome extension is used to connect a LinkedIn account to Shield, and keep it connected. You have to use a browser that can install Chrome extensions, like Chrome, Brave or Firefox.

Once connected via the Chrome extension, you can log in to Shield from any device and browser.

The extension will let you know when your Shield account is correctly verified and connected to your Linkedin account:


Your LinkedIn account can have multiple active sessions at once, from different devices, browsers and apps. We use a session to process the data shown in your dashboard.

Learn how web sessions work on LinkedIn
(Source: LinkedIn)

Best practices:

  • Keep the Shield Chrome extension installed in the browser you use for LinkedIn

  • Leave your license key in the extension to reconnect if connection is lost

The Shield team

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